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Hurricane Preparation

In South Florida, the probability of a hurricane disaster affecting boat owners is high. It’s important to take preventative measures before your yacht or boat sustains costly damage in a hurricane. Learning how to prepare for a hurricane can be very overwhelming. This is especially true if a hurricane is already coming and will affect you and your property.

The hurricane season in Florida begins on June 1 and ends on November 30. It is critical to prepare your boat for the upcoming storms before that time. During hurricane season, we at Masters Marine assist all of our clients in getting their yachts ready for the season. Masters Marine yacht managers have some of the most effective hurricane-preparation strategies for yacht owners wanting to safeguard their vessels.

What You Must Do

Understand Your Insurance Coverage

It’s important to understand both your insurance policy and your mooring contract so you know what you’re entitled to if something goes wrong. This is an important aspect of yacht hurricane preparation. Your policy may pay up to 50% of the cost of transporting or moving your boat before a hurricane. To protect your boat and the marina, some marinas require you to haul your boat before a storm. Ensure that you meet all of your insurance coverage and mooring obligations so that you do not lose out on your rights.

Move to Land

During a storm, the safest location for a boat is undoubtedly on land. If your boat can be trailered, pull it from the water and move it to an inland secure place. Keeping your boat in a wind-rated structure rather than leaving it out in the open sky is preferable.

There is a chance your boat will not be readily transportable, so it’s advised that you tow it behind the trailer and then anchor the trailer to the ground or an immovable thing. It’s also critical to remove anything that isn’t firmly attached and any removable outboards before a hurricane approaches. Hurricanes have high winds that are frequently unpredictable and will scoop up anything in their path.

Get Professional Hurricane Preparation Services

If you own a boat in South Florida, you will have to deal with the effects of a hurricane at some point, whether it is directly or indirectly. You’ll require the help of professionals who can get your yacht to full preparedness before the storm. It might appear to be an impossible task, but Masters Marine provides a yacht hurricane preparation strategy and equipment that covers all aspects of your vessel’s protection.

We will provide you with the appropriate hurricane preparation services that you need to get your boat to the safe zone before a hurricane storm, from extra lines and fenders to spare batteries and bilge pumps. When it comes to emergency response, you will never be alone again with the Masters Marine crew on your side.

We’ll also go over your yacht’s hurricane preparedness plan with you and offer feedback on how to improve it. This will be done as far in advance of a storm warning as possible. We have a variety of marina and dock contracts to match your yacht’s needs in South Florida. Furthermore, our complete range of boatyard and dockside yacht hurricane preparation services can take care of all of your vessel maintenance, no matter what it is, all year round, but especially during hurricane season.

Contact Us

We consider hurricane preparation to be a very important aspect of yacht maintenance, and rightly so. We treat your needs in this regard as an emergency, in and out of hurricane season. Contact us today and get a free quotation. You can also call us at (844) 594-0596 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.